Do You Know Sports 

Welcome to our “Do You Know Sports” page where we will tell the future of the sporting world.  I have acquired the services of some local sports prognosticators to lend their advice from time to time.

If you have to ask if your favorite sport is a major sport, it’s not.

Our “Do You Know Sports” Line Up

The Worm –  A top 10 NFL picks league finish 2 of the past 3 years versus the spread. Thinks he is “Carnac the Magnificent” of sports.

AK47 – High School buddy of the Worm. A long history of streaky pick making ability. His baseball acumen is unmatched.

East Coast Bronco – The organizer of the Vegas trips and fantasy sports guru. Learned under the tutelage of the late great “Yogi the Bear”.

MJ Madness – Will always be wearing at least one item of Michael Jordan clothing even when he showers.

Greenwell39 – A weird infatuation with Mike Greenwell. The driver of the crew while in Vegas. He will drag you out and make you submit in any Texas Hold em tournaments.

The Joker – Forget Batman this is the Joker through and through. Take notice of his football picks they are not a joke! Amateur meteorologist and storm chaser.

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