Nintendo Final Four- Controversy!!!

The Amazing Melon Head is not happen about this, not one bit!    The surprise entry of the Mario Bros. series, Super Mario Bros. 2 the #15 seed. “The Deuce” took down Shadowgate, Dragon Warrior, Ninja Gaiden 2 and R.C. Pro – AM to reach the Final Four. There might be no stopping the army…

Nintendo Super Mario vs. the Turtles

We have our Final Four teams, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario Bros. 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 and Zelda actually it’s Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out as Bracket Brother Dan apparently had one to many Captain Morgan’s and lost all arithmetic skill while under the influence. This goes to show you kids never drink and…

Nintendo – Punch Your Ticket!

This is an appropriate ending to the regional final, my 1st round pick Zelda versus Joel’s 2nd round pick Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out. Bracket brother Joel was the monster, that I have mentioned many times before, who defeated Zelda when it wasn’t his game! There has to be some karmatic justice for this match up to…