DYKS Week 1 NFL Picks

The first week of picks and we have some differences in opinion from our “Do You Know Sports” Guys and from our guest prognosticator. Our invitee this week is Ray Elliott enjoying his first two weeks of retirement. He is best know for winning and the football picks pool at his former place of employment so often they stopped running the pool and everyone just gave him five dollars. There is reason why he was the choice in book 2 Fourth and Dead of the Ali Armeni series as the sports reporting whiz that gave William Russell the correct picks every week. He picked 5 games week hoping to get the guest’s picks rolling in the right direction. He has all this time not working to analyze and digest these picks but something tells me he might have a bit of paralysis by over-analysis.

One game that is in play for most is the Miami Dolphins versus Washington Redskins with a majority backing the Dolphins laying the 3.5 points. The two DYKS that do not believe in the porpoise are the Bear and Jonuts who look to jump up a game going against the grain.

My guarantee lock of the week is that the New York Giants will not play Katy Perry’s Firework at any games this year. I cannot guarantee it will not be played at away games.

Commissioner Goodbar’s fake conspiracy of the week to use if a real issue comes up is suspending Chip Kelly for using emoji signs to call plays. Chip only has himself to blame especially when Commissioner Goodbar reveals that the emoji’s are the actual launch codes for the North Korean nukes.

Lucky for Chip the Patriots are still on the radar due to headset issues.

Week 1 Picks – This week the DYKS and Guest must pick 3-5 games.

Do You Know Sports Guy The Worm AK47 East Coast Bronco MJ Madness Greenwell 39
Game 1 Steelers +7.5 Seahawks -3.5 Pack -7.5  Pack -7.5  Pack -7.5
Game 2 Jets -2.5 Eagles -3.5 Jets -2.5  Jets -2.5  Falcons +3.5
Game 3 Bengals -3.5 Vikings -2.5 49ers +2.5  Giants +5.5  Rams +3.5
Game 4 Colts -2.5 Phins -3.5 Phins -3.5  Bills +2.5  Colts -2.5
Game 5 Phins -3.5  Jags +3.5  Lions +2.5
Do You Know Sports Guy The Joker Bear Jonuts Guest
Game 1 Chiefs +1.5 Chargers -2.5 Skins +3.5 Pats -7.5
Game 2 Pack -7.5 Pack -7.5 Lions +2.5 Texans -1.5
Game 3 Bucs -3.5 Skins +3.5 49ers +2.5 Panthers -3.5
Game 4 Raiders +3.5 Falcons +3.5 Seahawks -3.5
Game 5 Phins -3.5 Texans -1.5 Phins -3.5




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