You Never Know….

The beauty of baseball is you never know what you might see in a given season or game at the ball park. Monday night we went to the Red Sox Indians game to watch the battle between two last place teams. There is the chance this could be the game that kick starts one of these teams on a miraculous run to the playoff’s. Not Likely! This could be a game we see two pitchers throw a no hitter through nine innings. Nope! Matt Barnes went three innings of no hit ball and Danny Salazar looked impressive despite giving up a bomb to Travis Shaw in the third.

So what were the “you never know” things we witnessed at the ball park. I saw two believe it or not, one was funny and one was just awesome.

The funny thing you never see, is the young lady that gave her Cleveland Indians sneakers to Trevor Bauer to sign. You read that right she gave Trevor Bauer her shoe to sign. He signed the shoe and my kids wondered if she would go bare foot the rest of the night.

The awesome part was the singing of the National Anthem by blind and autistic young man named Christopher Duffley from Manchester, New Hampshire. The kid crushed it and then killed it again when he and his family started the game with “Play Ball!”

This one is not a “you never know” but still pretty cool. Cleveland Indian centerfielder Abraham Almonte walking into the dugout tosses a young girl a ball. My son jump in front and takes the ball and I of course make him give it to the young girl which it was intended. The cool part was Abraham Almonte went back into the dugout, got a baseball and tossed it to my kid. Pretty cool thing to do and he now has a life long fan.

Oh and the Sox lost 8-2. We are now 0-3 at games this season. One last chance to witness a win this year will come in September versus the Phillies. I wonder what we will see at that game, you never know.

TeammatesVisitor DugoutTeddy Ball Game


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