Fourth and Dead – Book Bash/Benefit

On Sunday August 9th at the Trolley Pub in Willimantic Connecticut, I celebrated the release of Book #2 in the Ali “the Cat” Armeni Series, Fourth and Dead. I delayed the book bash until later in the summer so we could make sure my cousin James was there for the festivities. The week before first book bash for Code Blood Red in May of 2014, James was diagnosed with cancer behind his eyes and nose. He has traveled to a few places for diagnosis and options for treatments before deciding on treatment plan offered in Boston. That treatment plan involved him leaving his wife during the week, living in Boston on the weekdays and returning home on the weekends. The health insurance James has is luckily very good and the cost of treatment is covered but the cost of running a second household in Boston, travel and other ancillary costs that accumulated over the months of treatment tend to add up. The book bash for Fourth and Dead turned into a book benefit as all the money collected through sales and some very generous donations were given to James and Shelly to help offset some of the costs they have had during his fight. The big round of test happens later this month and hopefully we will receive some very good news.

I would like to thank all those who attended and donated to help my cousin. Here are some pictures and highlights from the Book Bash.

Fourth and Dead

Fourth and Dead

Tom Brady Jersey - Original Size was XL but was deflated to just a Large.

Tom Brady Jersey – Original Size was XL but was deflated to just a Large.

At the Trolley!

At the Trolley!

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