The Outer Banks – SHARKS!!!!! and no Ali “the Cat” Armeni

I resumed my summer search for notorious UPAC terrorist Ali “the Cat” Armeni and came up empty, again. My next search location will be on August 9th at the Trolley Pub for the book signing of my second book Fourth and Dead. There is a good chance I won’t find Ali Armeni there either but I will find a good time and all proceeds are going towards a great cause. (details on that later because it is a surprise)

My travels in the search of “the Cat” were interesting to say the least, I hope you enjoy the highlights.

One highlight from the trip was the spotting of a shark!



Okay not really, it was a porpoise but when you get a couple of two year old’s to chant “Sharks eat people!!” as you walk down the beach, the looks you get from beach goers is priceless.

Here are some tips to avoid getting eaten by a shark.

  1. Swim in groups.
  2. Don’t swim where they bait fish are jumping out of the water.
  3. Don’t swim with a chum necklace.
  4. Don’t pee in the ocean. Seriously this was one of the tips in a pamphlet. (I don’t buy it, I just think they don’t want people urinate in the ocean.)
  5. Avoid swimming near a pier.
  6. Sharks feed at dawn and dusk avoid swimming at those times.
  7. If you see a shark don’t splash and make spastic movements in the water.

All of those were legitimate suggestions in a pamphlet I picked up at the Outer Banks visitor center. I might have made up number three, but number seven is just unrealistic. If you see a shark your reaction is to run like a bat out hell.

When you see a shark run like a bat out of hell!

When you see a shark run like a bat out of hell!

Another highlight was the daily Red Sox talk and the sports quiz show with the Bear. We are going to record one of those conversations in hope the management in Boston listens because of course we know how to solve their problems.


The speed and agility workouts on the beach were absolute crushers!

Don’t let the video fool you,  the older boy dogged it the last ten minutes of the workout and the younger boy was a beast. When the camera rolled the older boy turned it on but the youngster had nothing left in the tank.

The amount of space and room on the beach is unmatched compared to anywhere I have been in this country. Plenty of room for a midday wiffleball game, football game or to fly a kite.

Drippy Castle

Drippy Castle

When it came time for sand castle building the competition was fierce but my family prevailed as champions. We are training in the sandbox to defend our crown.

If you noticed the beautiful rainbow in the feature image I have bad news, I didn’t find the pot of gold on either end of the rainbow. I bet “the Cat” got to it first.




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