Nintendo Super Mario vs. the Turtles

We have our Final Four teams, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario Bros. 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 and Zelda actually it’s Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out as Bracket Brother Dan apparently had one to many Captain Morgan’s and lost all arithmetic skill while under the influence. This goes to show you kids never drink and add. Jacob has 2 teams in the Final Four, Dan and myself have one and Joel was shut out. Joel both have one team in the final as I was shut out!


The first game of the Final Four features two of Jacob’s picks, Super Mario Bros. 3 from the Jacob Bracket and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 from the Dan Bracket.

The shocker is this is not a Super Mario Bros. face off as Super Mario Bros. the original fell in the regional semifinal to #4 Wizard and Warriors. Kuros made a serious run and almost knocked off the Turtles in the previous round.

We will have to wait and see if Super Mario Bros. 3 brings the (sledge)hammer to the Turtles. If they do we could still see an all Mario Bros. Final. Just not the best one that my kids thoroughly enjoy and will not stop playing.


 We also have a special vote today to determine 5th place! All the teams that lost in the regional final are up to vote and one special game. The game recieveing the most votes will be the number five game in our top 5 NES Video Games.

Final Four Semifinal game 1

#1 Super Mario Bros. 3 (Jake) vs. #2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (Jake)


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