Nintendo – #4 Wizards and Warriors vs. #2 TMNT 2

Congratulations to Super Mario Bros. 3 the first round pick of Jacob for being the first team to advance to the Final Four.
The most bizarre thing about the Dan Bracket is Super Mario Bros. the original did not advance to the final eight but Super Mario Bros. 3 and 2 both made it to this round. I really expected Super Mario Bros. the original to not only be here today but to win the whole thing.


This leaves us with my #4 pick Wizards and Warriors taking on Jacob’s #2 pick Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. I am very pleased with Kuros up to this point but were not done yet! I am pulling out all the stops to beat the Turtles so I did what anyone in this day and age would do, I performed a Google search. You type in How to defeat a Ninja Turtle on google and on the first page of hits all but one entry was how to beat Shredder. (really no one every looks on the second page unless it is for porn) I am not interested in beating Shredder I have to beat the Turtles! That one entry not about Shredder was very informative as it appears recently Donatello was killed in the comic book. How do you kill a Turtle? The methodology seems like you need to be a bad guy named Rocksteady who cracks Donatello’s shell and then you brutally beat the Turtle with a sledge hammer. I have been practicing this move for days with my kids Ninja Turtle characters and my sledge hammer. Beware Jake and the Turtles the Sledge Hammer is coming for you in the name of Kuros today!

Elite 8 Dan Bracket – #2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 vs. #4 Wizards and Warriors

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