Nintendo Bracket Madness – Day 23

 The Joel Bracket has my 5th round pick Shadowgate and Jake’s fourth round pick Zelda the Adventure of Link. Back to Back days one of my picks goes against one of Jake’s. We are both probably torn with this match up. I know Jake is a big fan of Shadowgate and I would love to…

Nintendo Bracket Madness – Day 22

My fourth round pick Wizard and Warriors faces Jake’s fifth round Kirby’s Adventure. The only way Kirby’s Adventure wins is if Jake’s minions hits the polls hard and often. I can think of a few other adventures that have a better chance than ole Kirby; Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, Adventure Time (funny cartoon but I…

Nintendo Bracket Madness – Day 21

Dan also known as Mr. Upset looks for another one today with his 5th round pick Tecmo Super Bowl against Joel’s 4th round pick Castlevania 3. I will actually support Dan’s upset today. Tecmo Bo is unstoppable!!! Round 2 Jacob Bracket – #4 Castelvania 3 v #5 Tecmo Super Bowl

Nintendo Bracket Madness – Day 20

I have already lost my second round pick R.C. Pro-Am if Zelda loses today I will file an official protest. Who framed Roger Rabbit was one of the first movies to insert animation. I find it interesting that now movies are made about video games and not vice versa like back in the eighties.   Round…