Meet William Russell from Book #2

A look back to the start of football season and William Russell’s picks. The Super Bowl prediction could happen if New England and Seattle take care of business.


4 Downs with William Russell

The start of football season is upon us and we couldn’t think of a better guest for the blog than one of the biggest fans of the Seattle Seahawks. He is known for his incredible prognostication skills when it comes to football and all other sports actually. He has multiple close encounters with super villain Ali “the Cat” Armeni in book 2 of the Ali Armeni series.

1st Down

Jeffrey Belanger: You must be happy with Seattle Seahawks as defending champions . Who are you predicting to win the Super Bowl in 2015?

William Russell: The Seahawks, of course. We lost a few key players for the defense and the “Beast” has had . . . well, let’s just say an interesting offseason, but this team won with its depth last year and that is still there.

JB: All right, figures you…

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