#xmasbracketmadness Elf Bracket 2nd Round – #1 vs. #8

Garfield has just run out of lives. The Elf should euthanize Garfield unless he has some clever tricks like Ali “the Cat” Armeni.

Home Alone kicked the Kranks to the curb yesterday.


#1 Elf vs. #8 Garfield Christmas



elf bracket 2nd round

5 thoughts on “#xmasbracketmadness Elf Bracket 2nd Round – #1 vs. #8

  1. Ooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

    Buddy the elf, what’s your favorite color?

    Ali the cat armeni, what’s your favorite way to die? ( too harsh??). Well there is no pleasantries with Ali the cat armeni

  2. I just realized my last comment might get erased because it talks about death, but I was referring to the book code blood red and it’s evil character Ali the cat armeni.

    So in addition to my previous post I will say

    I love smiling, smiling is my favorite!


    Congratulations! You did it! Worlds best cup of coffee!!!

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