#xmasbracketmadness PRIZES!!!!!

Prizes! You can get multiple entries for the prizes by just posting a comment each day of your favorite Christmas movie quote or something that amuses me. (1 entry per day) Prior to the final four on Monday 12/22/14 I will draw names of the lucky winners.

Here is what we have for prizes.

Grand Prize – A dvd copy of Scrooged my favorite Christmas movie, a signed copy of my second book Fourth and Dead of the Ali Armeni Series when it is released and if you choose I will use your first name as one of the prostitutes or pimp in Fourth in Dead that has an unfortunate encounter with Ali “the Cat” Armeni.


Runner Up Prize – A dvd copy of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and a signed copy of my second Book Fourth and Dead from the Ali Armeni Series when it is released.


2nd Runner Up Prize – A dvd copy of A Muppet Christmas Carol and a signed copy of my second Book Fourth and Dead from the Ali Armeni Series when it is released.


All you need to do to enter is leave a comment with your favorite Christmas movie quote or an amusing quote. Each day you leave a quote you get an entry.

7 thoughts on “#xmasbracketmadness PRIZES!!!!!

  1. “And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he’s gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse “

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